Wickness Models, 6 Greenlea Crescent, Collin, DG1 4PR    douglas@wicknessmodels.co.uk
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Wickness Models DCC Fitting Price List

Wickness Models DCC Fitting Price List

Current Turn around at 17/08/2022 is 1 to 2 weeks from receipt of package

Conversion to DCC

Wickness Models have been carrying out bespoke, high quality dcc conversions for over 14 years. When you book a conversion with us the model will receive basic servicing as part of the conversion cost. When each individual model is complete we film a test run on our test layout and email a video link of the performance for you to view. Only once you have seen this do we request payment which can be by BACS, Paypal, Credit Debit Card or Cheque.

After Care

In the unlikely event you should receive any running issues of concern upon your models return we will always provide advice and you are welcome to return the model to be inspected and adjusted if necessary, any models in this category are dealt with by return. We do not charge for any additional work unless unforeseen mechanical failure has subsequently occurred and parts are required.

Guide Prices

The following are guide prices, they include fitting, basic servicing, testing and filming. Actual price could potentially be lower or higher but these are a very good guide. To confirm actual price please contact us with details of specific models. There may be other companies who would agree to charge lower prices. Our prices however reflect the time required to do the work accurately without rushing and on the predicted timescale.

If you would like to have a model fitted by Wickness Models please contact douglas@wicknessmodels.co.uk

Download a printable copy of the Wickness Pricelist by clicking this link

Wickness Models DCC Fitting Price List
Date 25/11/2022
Basic DCC Fitting
N gauge Fitting Marwick Brush Insulating Sleeve Tender Pickups
Graham Farish Poole Chassis Steamers £34.00 £3.95 Optional at £16
Graham Farish Poole Chass Diesels £34.00 £3.95 NA
Graham Farish Split Chassis Steamers(The v2) £36.00 NA NA
Graham Farish Split Chassis Diesels £34.00 NA NA
Dapol DCC Ready Steamers £24.00 NA NA
Graham Farish Shunters £34.00 NA NA
Dapol DCC Ready Diesels £24.00 NA NA
Union Mills Models £44.00 NA NA
Kato, Tomix N Gauge Diesels £40.00 NA NA
US N Scale Models £40.00 NA NA
Other European N Gauge Diesels, Minitrix, Arnold, Fleischman etc £40.00 NA NA
Lighting modification where applicable(mainly US, Kato and Tomix Models) £20.00 NA NA
OO gauge
DCC Ready £24.00 NA NA
Hard Wire £34.00 NA NA
Bachmann Split Chassis £42.00 NA NA
DCC Sound
N gauge (Modification required in some cases hence price range, please ask) £60 – £120 NA NA
OO Gauge  (Modification required in some cases hence price range, please ask) £30 – £46 NA NA
Please note these are fitting prices, you will also need a decoder(and speaker for sound) which we can supply from Gaugemaster, Zimo, lenz or ESU
Decoder prices vary from budget prices to higher end prices, we will discuss your needs before you choose. Alternatively if you have your own decoder we can fit that provided a fit is possible

If you would like to have a model fitted by wickness models please contact douglas@wicknessmodels.co.uk