Wickness Models, 6 Greenlea Crescent, Collin, DG1 4PR    douglas@wicknessmodels.co.uk
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ESU Decoders

ESU Decoders

ESU Lokpilot Decoders –

“The sophisticated buyer will go for the real thing, therefore being sure of its lasting value”

This holds true for the decoders of ESU LokPilot series: Each one provides you with unique functions that will easily convince you. This is where ESU’s leading edge technology comes fully into play. Since its arrival in 2001, ESU LokPilot decoders have been used by thousands of satisfied customers. Well known model railway producers, who factory-deliver their locos with built-in LokPilot decoders, may serve as reference for the superb quality of these decoders. LokPilot decoders are available in several formats, depending upon gauge or digital system.

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Wickness Models stocks a full range of Lokpilot decoders to suit every need, here you will find a decoder to suit the smallest to largest railway models, with functions to match up to your requirements

The jewel amongst DCC decoders

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