Wickness Models, 6 Greenlea Crescent, Collin, DG1 4PR    douglas@wicknessmodels.co.uk
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American N gauge diesel locomotives on DCC

American designed locos run particularly well on DCC. There are numerous manufacturers including Atlas, Athearn, Lifelike, Walthers, Intermountain, Bachmann Spectrum etc. Japanese manufacturer Kato also does a lot of business in this market. The common factor is that they use a split chassis design with smooth running motor and multiple pickup system. The combination produces faultless slow running and control, complimenting any n gauge DCC controlled layout. Most require modification of the lighting circuits to obtain full DCC control but the results are excellent. Below you can see some test runs showing the control possible. If you would like to discuss DCC conversion of any of your American N gauge locos pleaseĀ contact us