MarWick Soundscape with RealDrive projects for ESU LokSound v4 decoders

Explore MarWick Soundscape with RealDrive on ESU Loksound V4 Decoders – More RealDrive versions being upgraded regularly.
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MarWick Soundscape with RealDrive raises the bar to a much higher level than previously available in LokSound technology. These sound projects have been developed by Mark’s Trains and Wickness Models (MarWick) in great detail to be more throttle and volume responsive through the range of 128 speed steps than other currently available sound projects, and with RealDrive features to give the user a much more prototypical user experience; putting the user in the driving seat.
The MarWick Soundscape system has been developed to be used on any DCC system although we do not recommend Hornby Select or Bachmann EZ Command due to limited function options available on these devices.
So what is Soundscape then?
Soundscape is set of ambient sounds on a given theme additional to the standard running sounds (engine, horns, compressor etc.). The soundscape runs on an available function within the project just like any other function such as a horn. This is exclusive to MarWick sound projects on LokSound V4 decoders, although there are plans to make these projects available on Zimo sound decoders in the near future.
The soundscape is selectable, you can activate it during running or while motionless to provide additional background noises based on the theme of your layout. For example, you might choose Londonscape or Airportscape for a city centre layout, or Farmscape or Hedgerow for a rural one. You can listen to samples of the soundscapes available below and view some of the project function sheets within the list below.
What does RealDrive do?
RealDrive fully utilises the advanced functions and logical programming available to the LokSound V4 decoder family, giving the user a prototypical and immersive experience. It’s like driving a real train – to an extent!
One of the many new features of RealDrive is active braking; where you can back off the throttle to speed step 1 and let the locomotive gradually coast to a crawl, with a full brake application available at speed step 0. You can also bring the train to a rapid stop from any speed by backing off to speed step 0, this bypasses any momentum effect and stops the train in a set distance. To remove this feature simply change CV254 to 0 and reduce deceleration CV4 to 68, this will give you traditional throttle control as set in previous projects.
More information on RealDrive features can be viewed further down the page, or click here to jump down to it.
Sound project | Function bulletin | Demonstration video |
AC Cars Railbus | ||
Class 03 | ||
Class 07 | ||
Class 101 DMU | ||
Class 105 DMU | ||
Class 107 DMU | ||
Class 108 DMU | ||
Class 121 – 122 DMU | ||
Class 128 DPU | ||
Class 17 | ||
Class 20 | ||
Class 24 – 25 | ||
Class 33 | ||
Class 37 | ||
Class 40 | | Next 18 | |
Class 43 MTU | ||
Class 43 Paxman | ||
Class 47 | ||
Class 55 | ||
Class 57 | ||
Class 66 | ||
Class 67 | ||
Class 73 | ||
Derby DMU |
Sound project | Function bulletin | Demonstration video |
Class 71 |
Sound project | Function bulletin | Demonstration video |
Standard 5MT | ||
GWR 42xx – 52xx | ||
GWR 57xx Pannier | ||
GWR Castle Class | ||
GWR Hall Class | ||
LMS Fowler 3F (Jinty) | ||
LMS Fowler 4F / 4P | ||
LMS Royal Scot | ||
LMS Stanier 8F | ||
LMS Princess Coronation | ||
Standard 3MT / 4MT |
Sound project | Function bulletin | Demonstration video |
LMS 10000-10001 | ||
Class 04 | ||
Class 08 | ||
Class 22 | ||
Class 35 | ||
Class 42 | ||
Class 45 | ||
Class 52 | ||
Kestrel | ||
A1 Tornado | ||
BOB Class | ||
Brittania Class | ||
Merchant Navy Class | ||
West Country Class | ||
Brighton Belle | ||
Class 77 | ||
Metropolitan Bo Bo |
Other exciting new features included in RealDrive are described as follows:
Multi start is now available on some projects with the use of F1 instead of using another function key; a warm start works as normal by selecting F1. Switching F1 on, then off again (within 1 sec) and finally back on again (within 1 sec) will activate the cold start engine sound.
Prototypical lights; Directional headlights (F0) and tail lights (F5) can be wired directly to their own function outputs, so that tail lights can be extinguished when a loco is in a train or consist. Bi-directional stabling (tail) lights can be activated (F19) so that tail lights at both ends illuminate. With this feature, lights can be operated just like the prototype. The complex function mapping has already been done for you, all you need to do is connect the lights to the appropriate function output. Instructions for this are on the next page. If traditional directional lighting is required simply connect to F0f and F0r as normal.
Cab lights; A directional cab light installed in both cabs can be activated to illuminate when stationary and automatically extinguish when moving off. Cab lights change ends when direction is changed.
Intelligent sounds; Curve squeal, switch flange, rail clank & spirax valves (where available) have powerful logic driving them, intelligently changing frequency with speed like the prototype and in the case of the spirax valve randomly sputtering and clicking away, to sound much more realistic than a looped sound file ever did!
Random sound functions; A selection of horns and station announcements are now randomly played from a single function key, instead of having a mass of different horns and announcements spread around the various function keys, often difficult to reach. Some horns are also playable. So now there’s a different horn every time you press F2!
Automatic train brakes; Brake releases and applications can be activated or disabled with F9, these sounds are separate to the engine sounds which means you don’t have to listen to brake sounds during shunting or light engine moves for example. When activated they release and set automatically when you stop and set off.
Auto couple / uncouple; Along with the coupling / uncoupling sounds, this function now automatically pushes the train back towards a ramp / magnet at a predefined distance and speed and then drives the loco forward a set distance to clear the train that has been uncoupled.
Shunting mode; Shunting mode halves speed – useful in yard operations, and also disables momentum effects. Selecting this function also illuminates both sets of headlights and tail lights to simulate markers commonly used whilst in a yard or undertaking shunting movements.
Function key assignments; New function key assignments on RealDrive projects are organised to be more consistent throughout the range of sound projects; Diesel and Electric projects will have the same mapping to be consistent with each other, and Steam projects will have their own consistent function mapping in place. This will make it easier to operate sound decoders across the MarWick Soundscape with RealDrive range.

Soundscape Samples
To help choose the soundscape for your LokSound project you can listen to samples of each of the available ones below, these are just excerpts, the full soundscapes are 45 to 60 seconds long and set up to loop seamlessly when selected providing continuous ambient noise where required.




Grand Station

Christmas Special – Jingle Bells

Market Street



Diesel Depot

Steam Depot